The school improvement specialists


Wraparound Care support to schools

Our team of education consultants includes those with expertise in supporting childcare provision in school, whether this is delivered by an external provider or by school staff. We can also support early years settings such as nurseries and childcare on non-domestic premises. As with all B11 services, our experts will tailor their service to meet your need, whether this is an external review to map the quality of provision pre-inspection or monitor progress towards areas for improvement or providing regular support to help meet part of your development plan.

Whether you are already providing wraparound care or considering the options to provide it in future, B11 can help you ensure that the quality of provision meets the same high expectations you have for children during the school day.

Do you already provide wraparound care? 

Wherever you are within the inspection cycle, we can provide a robust external evaluation of your provision. Our developmental review can cover the full scope of an inspection to highlight areas of strength and those that may require improvement. Throughout this, we can work alongside leaders to do joint evaluation activities, provide constructive feedback, share findings and to suggest precise next steps to support improvement.

This review can be followed up by staff development sessions, coaching or other improvement support to help you prepare for the next inspection or to address areas for improvement that have already been identified.

Are you a busy leader and not sure how to offer the wraparound childcare model at your school? 

We have experts that currently work in partnership with schools across the country in offering Ofsted regulated, high quality wraparound childcare on school sites. 

Here are some of the things we can support you with: 

  • Understanding the government’s drive for WAC 
  • What outstanding, impactful wraparound care looks like 
  • How the five models for delivery compare – pros and cons of each model 
  • Reviewing which option is best for your school and meets the needs of your community 
  • Marketing your service effectively, giving parents the flexibility to work whilst extended childcare is provided around the conventional school day. 
  • Building your comprehensive governance infrastructure, ensuring you have the suitable staff that are best placed to deliver the wraparound care. 
  • Specialistprovision training, materials and the tools required to provide an inclusive service for individuals with special educational needs, disabilities and/or vulnerable children 
  • How to provide enriching activities and experiences to the families in your community. 
  • Project management and specialist services provided by experts within the fieldfor private nurseries, childminders, local authorities, wraparound childcare providers, and training providers. 

To get started

If you would welcome support on any aspect of wraparound care provision, please complete this form to start the conversation.

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