Robust and bespoke school improvement partner support
External challenge and support, pivotal in raising standards within your school

15+ Years' Experience

130 Schools Supported in 23-24

4,300 Hours of Support Delivered
What is school improvement partner support?
B11 has a range of high-quality school improvement advisers who can provide you with the robust challenge and support to help your school to flourish.
The B11 consultants are experienced Ofsted Inspectors, former HMI and/or DfE Education Advisers. The role of the improvement adviser, along with our robust monitoring and evaluation systems will help to raise standards in your school by strengthening strategic leadership and accountability and adding capacity to the overall quality of education in your organisation.
What We Provide
- ✓ Half-termly visits
- ✓ Leadership evaluation
- ✓ Work and curriculum scrutiny
- ✓ Tools for accurate and robust self-evaluations
Additional benefits
- ✓ Acting education advisory support for governors
- ✓ Expert external eye for the governing body
- ✓ Support through the Ofsted inspection process
- ✓ Improved overall quality of education
The right support when you need it most!
Your improvement adviser will provide just the right level of rigour and challenge needed to keep your school ahead of the rest, their support is key to helping you raise standards in your school. However, should you require a more in-depth examination of your school’s current position, we would advise one of our developmental school reviews.

A simple step-by-step process to ensure you know exactly what you’re getting:
Initial Consultation
A free 20-minute consultation to understand your school’s needs.
Analysis of your documentation, school Ofsted report, website and results data
On-site review
Thorough evaluation through learning walks, work scrutiny and leadership talks.
Report write-up
Clear actionable feedback delivered verbally and in a comprehensive written report.
What do school leaders say about our School Improvement Partner services?
Our SIP visit was just what we needed at just the right time. Our consultant was insightful, curious and supportive. The visit and discussions held will really support the school when considering SDP priorities for the next academic year.
Luke McKinley, Headteacher, Preston Bridge School
Please do thank the team at B11 for your continued support, you really do have an immensely positive impact on school.
Holybrook School, Exceed Academies Trust