The school improvement specialists
External evaluation

As one of the leading external evaluation companies in the country, our vast experience and knowledge of governance and pupil premium reviews is second to none. We also now offer a new sports premium review.
External evaluation of governance
Designed specifically for schools graded as ‘requiring improvement’ or lower, and where Ofsted or the DfE have advised an external review of governance is necessary, this highly tailored service assesses how well your school’s governing body is working. It can also be used by any school wanting to conduct an independent evaluation of how well their governing body is performing.
Through thorough evaluation, key recommendations and vital support, our end goal is to support improvement in the performance of your governing body.
How does it work?
- One of our experienced education consultants or governance professionals will carry out discussions with your governing body, headteacher and clerk in order to find out your exact needs.
- A bespoke guided self-review, according to Ofsted and DfE requirements for good governance, will be provided and will include the first-hand involvement of governors in discussion and evaluation of documentation.
- Following completion of the review, a written report with recommendations for improvement will be provided.
External evaluation of pupil premium
A priority for any school where disadvantaged pupils are failing to achieve their expected outcomes, this review is designed to analyse the use and impact of your pupil premium, including looking at achievement, behaviour and attendance data.
We will support you in improving the effectiveness of this provision and include clear recommendations in our report, so that your funding is spent on approaches proven to help disadvantaged pupils.
How does it work?
- Prior to visiting, we will review evidence including analysis of your IDSR, ASP and documentation including the school development plan, Pupil Premium Strategy and your previous year’s spend.
- Next, we will spend a day in your school, which will comprise discussions with key staff, short visits to classrooms with senior leaders, scrutiny of evidence of progress for students currently in school and discussions with students.
- At the end of the day, we will provide detailed verbal feedback to the headteacher and any others you would like included.
- Following this, within two weeks of our visit, we will provide a report with specific recommendations for action.
- Delivered in a supportive and developmental manner, both the verbal feedback and the written report will be clear, concise and based on an accurate evaluation of the evidence provided.
For every pupil premium review we deliver, B11 pledges to donate £50 to the Premier Foundation. A charity that works within deprived communities, Premier Foundation’s main goal is to both engage with and improve the outcomes of disadvantaged young people by providing them with unique activity-based opportunities.
To read more about the Premier Foundation or to see how they could support students in your school, visit
External evaluation of sports premium
Promoting PE and sports as a vital part of the curriculum has always been important. But, given Ofsted’s new focus on the depth and breadth of curriculum coverage, being able to demonstrate the impact of your school’s PE and sports premium use has become even more pertinent.
That is why we have recently introduced this new off-site service reviewing your evaluation of the use of sports premium funding and the impact it has in your school.
How does it work?
- One of our experienced consultants will access the sports premium funding evaluation and impact documentation published on your website.
- We will then provide a short report of your use of sports premium funding RAG rated against the five key indicators, as well as your key achievements to date and the national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.
- Our report will also highlight areas on your evaluation form that could be improved before the final end of year deadline. All information provided will be in line with guidance published by the Department for Education.
If you feel your school could benefit from or has been identified as needing a governance, pupil premium or sports premium review, get in touch today to discuss how we can help address your needs.