Good safeguarding practice guide for schools

Good Safeguarding Practice Guide for Schools and Colleges

Good Safeguarding Practice Guide for Schools and Colleges Designated Safeguarding Leads…


Mindfulness: A Children's Mental Health Week special, part 2

Children's Mental Health Week Special, part 2 Earlier this week we published our first…

school phobia

Schools Phobia: A Children's Mental Health Week special, part 1

Children's Mental Health Week Special, part 1 In recognition and support of this year’s…

mental health

Why the last 30 years have led to a rise in mental health problems among children and teachers

In our recent blog – ‘Improving mental health and well-being among staff and children:…

improving mental health

Improving mental health and well-being among staff and children: why a whole school approach is key

Over the last 20 year, there has been a considerable increase in the number of young…