The Biggest Work Scrutiny Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Work scrutiny We all know that Ofsted uses work scrutiny as a key part of their deep dive…
School attendance
Attendance at school As long as there have been schools, there have been children and…
Learning Disability Week 2022
Learning Disability Week 2022 20-26 June is Learning Disability Week, promoted by…
The importance of safeguarding within wraparound care provision
The importance of safeguarding within wraparound care provision. Why it is so crucial…
Harmful behaviours… an endemic feature of schooling years?
The moral imperative of finding out pupils’ real experiences at school. B11’s consultant,…
Good Safeguarding Practice Guide for Schools and Colleges
Good Safeguarding Practice Guide for Schools and Colleges Designated Safeguarding Leads…
How is Covid-19 affecting the nation’s children?
How is Covid-19 affecting the nation’s children? Our partner company, Premier Education,…
Top Tips for SENDCOs
Some of us remember when pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)…
Early Adopter Framework EYFS
Reforms In 2018 the Department for Education (DfE) proposed changes to the early learning…
How schools are seeing Covid-19 as an opportunity, not a disaster
"A chance to press the reset button" How schools are seeing Covid-19 as an opportunity…