The school improvement specialists
Everyone knows that working smarter not harder leads to better outcomes for all concerned. With the dramatic rise in the numbers of children and school staff experiencing mental health problems, we developed a new review service to support this issue.
Our well-being review comprises an evaluation of school policy and procedure and a report setting out strengths, areas for development and an action plan to address any issues identified.
This review will be led by one of our experienced consultants and involve designated members of school staff as part of their CPD. Depending on the specific needs of the school, it will include a review of key documentation, one day on site and a report of strengths and areas for development, including recommended actions to secure improvements where necessary.
The review will include:
- auditing/evaluating where your school is currently against a standard checklist
- guidance on what you need to do to fulfil the requirements of the new inspection framework
- best practice guidelines and advice on bespoke programme development for your school
- a written report of current strengths and an action plan to address areas for improvement
To book a consultation or discuss a well-being review, please get in touch.
“Very knowledgeable presenter. Personable approach to delivery. Signposting excellent resources. Pertinent discussion points throughout. Food for thought.”
Ashley Travis – Assistant Principal, The Hathershaw College